Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Book Store Date

I said at the beginning of this blog that sometimes I would post date ideas that could be done anywhere- I haven't done great at that but I am going to try and post more now.

I have only done this once and really enjoyed it. I got the idea from Love, Actually and she has posted an actual card you can print out with some of the challenges on it. We did it at Barnes and Noble at the Grand Teton Mall but you can do it at any bookstore. The way it works is you and your date split up in a bookstore with three challenges of books to find and then you meet up and share. We did three sets of three while we were there, I wouldn't recommend trying to do more than three challenges in a set because then you have more books to carry and more time apart. Here are a list of challenge ideas.

- Find a map or a picture of some place you would like to travel to.
- Find a book that you think your date would enjoy reading.
- Find a book you read during high school.

- Find a recipe that you would like to try.
- Find a book that has "Happily Ever After" in it.
- Find a joke to tell your date.

- Find a date idea for a future date together.
- Find a self help book that applies to you.
- Find a book that has a character with the same name as your date.

- Find a poem that describes how you feel about your date.
- Find a children's book you liked growing up.
- Find a game or project you think would be fun to do together.

You can mix up the challenges however you want. We did it with our baby in the stroller so it worked out that we didn't even need a babysitter. It's a great date to do and then grab a treat after.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog...thanks for all the date ideas. I too live in Idaho Falls area and am always looking for something to spark the love life when the hubby and I go out! Thanks again. I look forward to checking back in ;)
